Our group is happy to announce that our proposal for the third Working Groups (WG) Funding Scheme Call for the years 2021-2023 was selected for funding. We are thrilled to start our project on identifying PhD students’ training needs which will run until May 2023. DARIAH provides a wealth of training and education tools and resources, the awareness and utilisation of which will be systematically explored by this project.
The project aims at identifying DH training needs for PhD students from various disciplines and with different levels of expertise. As diverse as the field of DH is, as diverse are the training needs for PhD students entering the field from various backgrounds.
We are working on a survey aimed at PhD students working with DH tools and DARIAH communities. If you are a PhD student using DH tools, your training needs, skills and awareness of existing resources can be documented and analysed. If you already know you would like to participate in our survey, get in touch with us via our email address community_engagement@dariah.eu or DM us on Twitter @CE_DARIAH or stay tuned for more details.
Participating in our survey might be a possibility for you to attend a workshop in Maribor, Slovenia, for in-person focus group interviews and joint evaluation of existing training material in February 2023. In the selection process for the workshop, we will consider various disciplines, different levels of expertise, and individual’s availability and willingness to attend the workshop. In-person interviews will help develop a more complete picture of the training needs of researchers in this phase of their career.
To help with the distribution and communication of the workshop, and as a commitment to providing DH students with internship opportunities, the WG is at the moment advertising a position of a student intern. The role responsibilities include help preparing and distributing the survey, communicating through email and DARIAH communication channels, help in preparing and running the workshop, and having a lot of fun doing it 😊.
More info at https://mkrzmr.github.io/dariahCE/.
The report generated from both steps will serve to help develop future training and education resources as well as bring together DARIAH communities with similar training needs. We are excited!
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
spelaantloga (October 5, 2022). We are starting a new project! AND a student job opportunity (must be a registered student at UCC)!! Community Engagement. Retrieved January 13, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ngwa